
Works of science fiction commonly give you an insight into a possible future society by depicting the adventures of one of its individual inhabitants. Some use for your broken clay pots, on the contrary, apprehends our future by providing us with the basic laws which are to rule the imagined society. It is up to the spectators to imagine what their individual lives would be like under this new set of conditions.
Some use for your broken clay pots is an exercise in constitutional creativity. Developed in collaboration with a team of scholars from different Belgian universities, the script for the theatrical performance is nothing else than a constitution written for a new democratic state. This juridical text prescribes all the institutions, organs, laws and procedures necessary to the establishment of a realistic and functional democratic regime whose primary goal is to challenge as many of the ideas as possible which we most commonly associate with the practice of democracy.
Staged as an election campaign meeting, Some use for your broken clay pots takes the fact for granted that our identities as citizens of the western democracies directly reflect what is written in our constitutions. If this is true, then the invention of new rules should also invent new citizens. But what kind of citizens and what kind of society such a new regime will produce is not to be foreseen with any kind of indisputable certainty. Science fiction as a prediction of what could happen if is handed over from the stage of the highly specialized constitutional experts to the appreciation of our individual political perspectives.